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Troubled Schools in Troubled Times:

How COVID-19 Affects Educational Inequalities and what Measures can be taken


When discussing possible consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems certain that the effects of the pandemic will most likely magnify existing educational disparities in Europe and around the world. However, so far, little is known about how the conditions and consequences of distance learning intensify existing dynamics of educational inequalities. This paper aims at answering the question of how educational disadvantages in socially deprived settings are exacerbated through the pandemic. On this basis, it reflects on potential educational practices that can help countering these dynamics. For this study, interviews with teachers in socio-economically disadvantaged (n = 12) and in privileged settings (n = 4) were conducted, transcribed and investigated through qualitative data analysis. The data were categorized with reference to Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of capital to analyze and systematize the empirical results. Finally, a case study from the interview material offers options for action that can counteract a possible worsening of educational disadvantages and help (re-)think school and teaching based on the experiences gained during the lockdown.


Distance-Schooling, Familiensituation, International, Kinder- und Jugendalter allgemein, Lebenssituation, Lehrpersonen, Qualitative Studie, USA


Frohn, Julia (2021). Troubled Schools in Troubled Times:. How COVID-19 Affects Educational Inequalities and what Measures can be taken, European Educational Research Journal, 20, 667–683.

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Juli 2022.