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The Impact of COVID-19 on Young Children, Families, and Teachers


Defending the Early Years released a survey to better understand the impact COVID-19 has had on young children, their families, and their teachers. Schools, centers, and childcare providers were forced to close their doors as the world implemented social distancing measures to slow the spread of the new deadly virus. This survey was written to capture the experiences of parents and teachers of young children, a population often overlooked when discussing education. The survey contained 39 questions in three sections: demographics, parents, and teachers. Utilizing a mix of open-ended, multiple-choice, and Likert scale questions, respondents were asked about their experience with online learning/remote schooling, including participation, expectations, ease of adjustment, benefits, challenges, and concerns. This report documents the findings based on an analysis of the responses collected. The authors begin by sharing the demographic data. Then they provide an overview of the online learning/remote schooling participation, expectations, and reports of adjustment. Next, they share the benefits, challenges, and concerns of both parents and teachers. Finally, the authors offer some suggestions for parents and teachers based on their understanding of the data. The hope is that by amplifying the voice of parents and teachers of young children, we can continue to protect and invest in childhood.


Distance-Schooling, Eltern, International, Kinder im Grundschulalter, Kinder im Vorschulalter, Lebenssituation, Lehrpersonen, Quantitative Studie, USA


Jones, Denisha (2020). The Impact of COVID-19 on Young Children, Families, and Teachers.

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Juli 2022.