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How Learning Continued during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Global Lessons from Initiatives to Support Learners and Teachers


This report brings together 45 of the education continuity stories that were jointly documented by the OECD, the World Bank, Harvard’s Global Education Innovation Initiative and HundrED during the first wave of school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It covers a variety of different examples on how governments and non-governmental organisations quickly responded to school closures to implement a strategy for learners around the world to continue to study. While often based on the use of digital solutions, those solutions target specific solutions aimed at academic learning, socio-emotional support, teacher professional development, etc. The book covers examples from low, middle and high income countries on all continents and draws some lessons of these fast-paced responses to reimagine a post-pandemic education across the world.


Distance-Schooling, Kinder- und Jugendalter allgemein, Länderübergreifend, (Literatur-)Review


Vincent-Lancrin, Stéphan, Cobo Romaní, Cristóbal, Reimers, Fernando (2022). How Learning Continued during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Global Lessons from Initiatives to Support Learners and Teachers.

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Juli 2022.